I’m a PhD student at the Geometric & Visual Computing (GeoVIC) group at École Polytechnique in France. Working as part of the CLIPE ITN project funded by the European Union, I’m looking into the applications of Multiagent Reinforcement Learning in the area of Crowd Simulation, following up on my previous Master’s work about ad-hoc cooperation in MARL via Theory of Mind.
PhD in Artificial Intelligence, 2020-2023
École Polytechnique
M.Sc. (Double Degree) Robotics & Artificial Intelligence, 2018-2020
Aalto University
M.Sc. (Double Degree) ICT Innovation, Autonomous Systems, 2018-2020
KTH Royal Institute of Technology
B.Sc. Physics (Individual Track), 2015-2018
University of Warsaw
Improving Ad-Hoc Cooperation in Multiagent Reinforcement Learning via Skill Modeling
High frequency airborne temperature measurements analyzed with AI techniques